Busy, Busy Summer

It must seem like my mourning period for Bob lasted longer than it should have when it comes to dogs… since my last blog post was nearing two months ago.

Yes, I was sad about Robert and yes, I’m still sad about the poor guy.

But that isn’t why I haven’t blogged … It’s laziness.

Though while I was home in Sedan recently, I happened to walk across a wet spot on the floor and had to catch myself from cursing Bob’s name. The dog was old enough to know better than to pee inside but whenever he was in Sedan, he seemed to think my parent’s entire house was his own personal pee pad.

Anyway, the past two months have been filled with, obviously, the mourning of Robert. As well as baby doctor appointments, all that have gone well and all that seem to continue to tell me that this baby is, still, really coming! We are approximately six weeks and some days away from the actual due date for this baby… and we are only 12 weeks away from actually being ready!

Pregnancy number one was so easy because I wasn’t working, I wasn’t chasing a toddler around all day long and I wasn’t cleaning up after a toddler all day long. My days seemed pretty carefree compared to now! I had time to get Sloane’s room ready, my house was clean pretty much all the time, I had everything organized and ready to go by this time during that pregnancy… and now… I have my baby boy’s ‘stuff’ in a paper grocery sack, hanging up in the guest bedroom.

Oh, and aunt Janet got his bedding done. His bedding that has no crib to go on because his crib is still in use by his sister.

So… I definitely have things to get accomplished before he arrives and luckily for me, I will have visitors for the next few weeks that will not mind watching Sloane while I get some of these things accomplished. Such as getting the bassinet out of storage and cleaned, purchasing a carseat, finding a new dresser for Sloane so her dresser can become her brother’s so I have somewhere to put his stuff, getting his clothing washed so the poor thing has something to wear, buying some diapers (for both him and his sister) … I’ve had this list of ‘to do’s’ for a few months now and though part of the problem is me, I do blame my husband a tad.

I have told Matt about this list of things we need to get done and his response is the same every time.

“It will get done.”

Yes, yes it will. It will get done when we stop saying that it will get done and actually get it done!

The last few weeks I’ve really had to reiterate the fact that this baby is coming sooner rather than later and that at some point, we can’t keep saying ‘it will get done’. Or he will be here and all of those things that we were going to get done, never actually got accomplished, and I will FREAK out.

And who wants that?! 🙂

So… the goal over the next few weeks is to get this ‘to do’ list knocked out and a few other things in case baby decides to have an early arrival (though I’m very excited to meet him, I prefer he stay put until his due date).

I ask that everyone keep us in your thoughts the next couple of weeks. I ask that you pray for the baby’s health… but also for our sanity… and for us to accomplish these important to do’s!

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, wants a pissed off pregnant woman! 🙂

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One response to “Busy, Busy Summer

  1. Jenna

    It WILL get done … because you will make sure of it … because you are good. BUT get some resting done when that company comes, too! 🙂 Love you and think about you every day!!

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